Holy Fire Reiki

Experience Healing with Usui Holy Fire Reiki

At SKA Wellness, Sabrina believes in the power of holistic healing to restore balance and promote well-being. As a level 2 Reiki Practitioner Sabrina specializes in Usui Holy Fire Reiki, a gentle yet powerful energy healing technique that can help you achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony.

What is Usui Holy Fire Reiki?

A Biohacked Reiki?

Usui Holy Fire Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It is based on the teachings of Mikao Usui, who developed the Usui System of Reiki in the early 20th century. Holy Fire Reiki is a newer evolution of this traditional practice, introduced by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). Holy Fire® energies came to Reiki to answer the increasing need for healing of the world.

Usui Sensei placed himself at number five, or “one step below” the top of the Reiki healing system. His point was: There will always be higher levels of Reiki energies to attain. A Reiki that wants to progress and uplevel itself, SKA Wellness would call that biohacking at its finest.

How Does it Work?

During a Usui Holy Fire Reiki session, you recline on a massage table comfortably clothed, while Sabrina channels healing energy through her hands. Trained in person directly by a Holy Fire Master, Sabrina’s Reiki ignition can be accessed at any moment. This energy intuitively flows to areas needing healing, fostering relaxation, stress reduction, and the body’s innate healing process. Clients frequently describe sensations of warmth, comfort, and deep peace both during and after the session.

Sabrina's Approach

Acute, Aura and Infusion Reiki

At SKA Wellness, Sabrina is dedicated to fostering a safe and nurturing space for healing. With certification as a Usui Holy Fire Reiki Level 2 practitioner and 20 years of experience as an RMT (now retired), Sabrina offers extensive training and unwavering commitment to guide you on your healing path. Each session is customized to address your specific needs, whether it’s an acute injury, aura cleansing, or infusing spaces or special items. Sabrina’s Reiki Sessions are powerful on their own or can be seamlessly integrated with other treatments to enhance your overall experience.

Acute Reiki

With her compassionate approach and intuitive healing facilitation abilities, Sabrina channels the powerful energy of Holy Fire Reiki to alleviate physical pain, injury, or illness. Clients at SKA Wellness experience profound relief and restoration as Sabrina gently guides them toward balance and well-being, empowering the body’s innate healing capacity.

Aura Reiki

With her expertise and dedication to wholistic healing, Sabrina facilitates the purification and balancing of the aura, promoting clarity, vitality, and spiritual connection. Clients experience a profound sense of renewal and harmony as Sabrina skillfully clears away energetic blockages and restores the flow of vital life force energy.

Infusion Reiki

With the use of powerful Reiki Symbols Sabrina offers Infusion Reiki services to imbue individuals, special items, your home, office, or other spaces with the healing energy of Holy Fire Reiki. With her nurturing presence and deep connection to source energy clients experience a sacred and energetically charged atmosphere and amulets.

Reiki FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that involves the channeling of universal life energy to promote balance, relaxation, and overall well-being. It is based on the principle that a practitioner can transfer healing energy to a recipient through touch or non-touch techniques.

Reiki works by facilitating the flow of life energy (known as “ki” or “chi”) throughout the body. The practitioner acts as a channel for this energy, directing it to areas where it is needed most. This helps to remove energy blockages, restore balance, and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Reiki can help with a wide range of issues, including stress reduction, pain relief, relaxation, emotional healing, and enhancing overall well-being. It complements conventional medical treatments and can be used to support the body’s natural healing processes.

No, Reiki is not affiliated with any specific religion or belief system. It is a holistic healing modality that can be practiced by individuals of all faiths or no faith at all. Reiki is based on universal principles of energy and healing that transcend religious boundaries.

No, belief in Reiki is not required for it to be effective. The healing energy is independent of the recipient’s beliefs and will flow regardless of their mindset. However, having an open mind and being receptive to the experience can enhance the benefits of a Reiki session.

During a Reiki session, you will typically lie down fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner gently places their hands on or near different parts of your body. You may experience sensations of warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation as the energy flows. Each session is unique, and the experience varies from person to person.

Reiki is considered safe and non-invasive, with few to no side effects. Some people may experience temporary sensations such as tingling, warmth, or emotional release during or after a session. These are usually signs that the energy is working to rebalance the body.

The number of Reiki sessions needed varies depending on individual needs and goals. Some people may experience immediate benefits after just one session, while others may benefit from regular sessions over time to address chronic issues or maintain overall well-being. Your practitioner can help determine a treatment plan that suits your needs.

Yes, Reiki can be performed remotely, also known as distance Reiki. In remote sessions, the practitioner channels healing energy to the recipient across any distance, transcending physical barriers. The effectiveness of remote Reiki is not diminished by the absence of physical touch.

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